Our desire to continuously improve our performance has been reflected in the implementation, evaluation and certification of our Quality Management System under ISO 9001 - version 2015, which has been in place since July 2018.

What is the IS0 9001 standard?

The ISO 9001 standard establishes the organizational requirements for the existence of a quality management system. It provides a framework for a systemic approach to process management that will meet your expectations and satisfy you as well as possible.

Our Quality Policy is based on 5 axes:​

  • To develop the company through innovation, by listening to market demands and seizing opportunities in a continuous dialogue with our customers and our various partners, with a particular focus on RX, on the deployment of our ESG strategy (regarding eco-design in particular) and on increasing our Brand Visibility.


  • To offer our customers distinctive and more sustainable products of controlled quality, conformity and traceability, as well as an efficient and regular logistics service.  


  • To ensure the durability and visibility of our brands through a strong commercial presence and the development of new digital services (new RX platform, new B2B, New B2C/B2SME, …)


  • To encourage the commitment, autonomy and quality of life at work of our employees, by providing them with the conditions and means for their skills and efficiency.


  • Extend our Quality Management System to include our ESG approach based on 2 pillars:
    • Minimize our environmental impact by reducing the CO2 emission of our products by 35% by 2027, through the development of eco-friendly products and packaging and by guaranteeing the safety of our products.
    • Ensure that 100% of our suppliers are covered by our ethical risk management and control process in our supply chain.