These lenses feature only one correction for a given distance: myopia, hypermetropia and/or astigmatism. They are called single vision/unifocal because they are used to see either close up or at a distance, but not at all distances.

Progressive lenses make it possible for people with presbyopia to see clearly at all distances. Long, intermediate and close-up vision are gradually spread over the entire lens height without any visible boundary.
This lens is suitable for all activities and everyday wear. With FreeForm, the lenses are digitaly customised to the wearer’s vision.

These are for people who need near vision and distance vision: the upper part of the lens corrects distance vision and the lower area corrects near vision.

The purpose of degressive lenses is first to correct near vision and intermediate vision with degressive power towards the top of the lens. Degressions depend on the needs. The bottom of the lens allows the wearer to read (at 35 cm). The top of the lens allows clear intermediate vision (at 1m), on a screen for example.
This lens does not correct distance vision and is therefore not suitable for driving.

The FreeForm digital lens is available in both unifocal and bifocal. It is customised to the wearer’s activity profile and frame parameters for perfect vision at all distances and optimised fields of vision.
This lens offers a quick adaptation thanks to a high resolution vision and an optimal comfort. This lens is recommended for strong corrections and curved frames.

FreeForm+ technology combines the benefits of both FreeForm design and ThinTech lenses. It is the ideal technology for wearers with high correction or for curved frames (6 & 8) :
Lighter, thinner, and more aesthetic, FreeForm+ lenses provide the clearest vision at all distance with the most premium lens technology available on the market.