Innovative PPE solutions for protecting your eyes from the COVID-19 virus
The COVID-19 pandemic has had devastating humanitarian, social, and economic impacts globally and we are still learning about how the virus interacts with our bodies.
COVID-19 eye protection for busy and dedicated healthcare workers
Working in a healthcare environment can be stressful, tiring, and at times, dangerous. Every day at work, healthcare workers’ (HCWs’) eyes are at risk of being exposed to infectious droplets, like COVID-19, harmful chemicals, bodily fluids, and splashes. All this might lead to Eye injuries and irritations.
Supporting you to raise awaraness
As technical expertise alone is not enough, we support you in preventing risks! Our mission does not stop at designing and producing effective and comfortable eye protection in all situations. Even if the overall number of accidents is dropping, there are still too many. A lot of them could be avoided if all employees protected themselves. Informing and educating to change behaviour is also our concern. To achieve it, we help you in the field.
B-Clean - How to care for and clean your eye protection?
To protect and care for your glasses, goggles or face shields, Bollé Safety has designed a complete range range of practical and efficient accessories.
5 industries where eye protection is a priority
Our eyes are one of our most important organs but also one of our most fragile. Sight is arguably our most important sensory process, critical to navigating our modern lifestyles. We rely on sight when we walk and drive, when we read and write, and when we work and play.
Seeing clearly how anti-fog technology improves vision, comfort, and safety
For the first time in history, a health crisis has shut down the entire global economy, demonstrating how inseparable healthcare and the economy have become. The COVID-19 pandemic keeps making a tremendous impact in healthcare work environments. The need to keep patients from mingling together and a scarcity of PPE have had continued effects on hospital and healthcare business operations throughout the pandemic response.